Hunting Season in Serbia

12. 10. 2023
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"Our aim is to demonstrate that hunting extends far beyond being just a sport.

—— Božidar Mitić    


My name is Božidar Mitić, and I reside in a small village situated in eastern Serbia called Kamenovo. Our village is renowned for various events, particularly those related to hunting. I have been actively involved in hunting for six years now. Initially, I took it up as a leisure activity, mainly because our local hunting group has a substantial number of enthusiasts. However, as time passed, I came to realize that hunting encompasses much more than a casual stroll in the woods; it's a multifaceted endeavor. Apart from the social aspect of connecting with people and exploring new places, hunting serves the crucial purpose of managing wildlife populations. On one hand, it involves the responsible removal of predators, while on the other, it entails providing sustenance to forest-dwelling animals during winter and dry periods. We make diligent efforts to keep the public informed about our hunting activities, particularly through social media, with the goal of engaging and educating as many young individuals as possible. Our aim is to demonstrate that hunting extends far beyond being just a sport.

In our region, we hunt various animals such as rabbits, pheasants, quails, wild boars, jackals, and foxes. Every year, during the month of February, we organize the "Copper Fox Hunt" event, which attracts over 400 hunters from both our country and neighboring regions. We strictly adhere to a hunting calendar that specifies when and what species can be hunted.

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My personal preference lies in night hunting during the summer months. It involves patiently waiting for wild boars and predators for several hours, with visibility ranging from 50 to 150 meters. However, hunting other animals on specific Sundays throughout the year also has its own charm, and I have my own dog for such occasions.

For a long time, I relied on a traditional lamp for my hunts, until digital night vision optics became more affordable and accessible for purchase. It's worth noting that thermal and related products are relatively expensive here in Serbia. Nevertheless, I'm a loyal supporter of these advancements and regularly follow developments in the field through various social networks and platforms like YouTube.

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One evening, as I was about to end my hunt and head home due to the late hour, I heard a branch snap near an excavator. This prompted me to switch on my thermal HIKMICRO LH25 device, and I spotted a wild boar in the distance. I attempted to locate it with my night optics, but the boar was positioned at a challenging 50 meter range among branches, rendering it difficult to aim accurately. In contrast, the TERMAL LH25 proved to be an invaluable tool. I wholeheartedly recommend it to every night hunting enthusiast.

My warm endorsement goes to HIKMICRO for their exceptional thermal equipment.

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*Before purchasing any thermal or digital day & night vision device, please make sure you adhere to the local ledislation and only use it when it is allowed. Our ambassadors come from various countries and travel a lot, which allows them to test different devices. We do not encourage or support the illegal use of our devices in any events. chce používat analytické soubory cookie a další podobné sledovací technologie („soubory cookie“), které nám pomáhají zlepšovat naše webové stránky. Soubory cookie shromažďují informace způsobem, který nikoho přímo neidentifikuje. Další informace o souborech cookie, které používáme, naleznete v našem cookies policy zde.

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