A Hunter's Story: Deer Calf Saved

27. jul. 2023

Sometimes Saint Hubert grants hunters the opportunity to experience thrilling moments, allowing them to obtain a magnificent trophy. However, there are instances when these extraordinary emotions stem not from the shot fired, but from unique circumstances. Such was the case one fateful night in the mysterious forest, where a tragic fate awaited a young deer calf, had it not been for the timely intervention of skilled hunters equipped with remarkable gear that enabled them to perceive the situation in the dark night—a realm where the human eye is rendered powerless against the black shroud. Let us start from the beginning...


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"There are instances when extraordinary emotions stem not from the shot fired.

—— Jarosław Wikarski    


Jarek had been thinking about purchasing a HIKMICRO observation thermal imager for quite some time.

Ultimately, he settled on the reliable HIKMICRO FALCON FQ50 model. This particular outing was meant to be one of the first occasions where our eyes would be fixated on the eyepiece, hoping to witness what had previously been beyond our visual reach.

The motivation behind this endeavor was the notable damage caused by wild boars in the fields neighboring the clearing tanks in Wierzosławice. These boars were lured by fresh crops, particularly corn sown after last year's plowing, which lay concealed beneath the earth. As a member of the 150 Inowrocław "Ryś" hunting group, I took part guarding the agricultural property.

While driving in the reeds in Wierzosławice, I spotted a hind acting unusually, approaching a drainage ditch and circling it. It was 12:30 a.m. These ditches, excavated to alleviate water accumulation in the area, have extremely steep walls and were narrow. Although the distance was far, around 200 meters, it did not hinder our observation using the FALCON.

We stopped the car to observe the cause behind the deer's strange behavior. Jarek skillfully maneuvered the off-roader at a slow pace, while I intently observed the situation through the eyepiece.

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As we approached the ditch, allowing us to view it in its entirety, a bright spot became apparent within the ditch. Just as I suspected, a doe was circling around a calf that had fallen into the ditch while attempting to cross it. Through the FALCON, even at this distance, one could discern a warm puddle of water trickling down from the doe, evidence that she had entered the ditch in an attempt to rescue her calf.

Making a quick decision, we parked the car on the road and sprinted toward the doe. She prudently moves away, uncertain of our intentions. We put on nitrile gloves. The doe walked approximately 150 meters and positioned herself by the reeds. Peering into the drainage ditch, a few hundred meters away, I glimpsed the head of the calf sticking out from the water. Acting quickly, Jarek slid down into the deep and icy water-filled ditch, grasping the calf and passing it to me. The calf was safely deposited onto the winter crops. Jarek gently carried the chilled little one away from the ditch.

After capturing a few commemorative photos, we swiftly moved in the opposite direction, all while being observed by the doe.

The question is: would the mother return for her calf...

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We drove in a circular route, several kilometers, around the fields in Wierzosławice. Returning to the location where the calf had been saved before 2 a.m., we found no trace of the calf. However, the efforts expended during this rescue operation were rewarded when we witnessed the heartwarming sight of the little one following its mother toward the reeds. They moved slowly, pausing intermittently to nibble on the familiar delicacies along the way—a spectacle that brought joy to the eyes of both the hunter and the individual who had intervened, ultimately facilitating the happy ending.

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"With knowledge of the fox dens, I can successfully hunt the redheads at dawn and dusk.

"It (FALCON) allows us to protect crops from wild boar damage within a range of several hundred meters.


Now, a few words about the FALCON.

In this instance, the equipment we acquired functioned flawlessly. The exceptional image quality offered by this model ensured that no crucial details of our surroundings escaped our attention.

I also employ the FALCON FQ50 for nocturnal surveys of hares and foxes. It helps identify areas with a significant abundance of these predators. With knowledge of the fox dens, I can successfully hunt the redheads at dawn and dusk. Within the hunting circle, this type of thermal imager has become an indispensable tool, as its price is justified by the valuable information it provides about our surroundings.

It allows us to protect crops from wild boar damage within a range of several hundred meters. If the boars venture too far, we rely on wind direction and stalking.

Furthermore, it enables us to observe creatures such as martens, raccoons, and raccoon dogs, which wreak havoc in our hunting grounds. Detecting and monitoring a marten's den leads to effective hunting of this predator. Prior to owning this thermal imager, I had no idea about the number of kunas within my vicinity. Thanks to the insights gained from observing the abundant predator population through the FALCON FQ50 and the opportunity to hunt in the locations recognized by my colleagues, the population of pheasants and hares in our district has significantly increased.

I could endlessly extol the advantages of this thermal imager. Its price is commensurate with the benefits it offers in the field. I wholeheartedly recommend it to fellow hunters and animal breeders who prioritize the well-being of our charges. May all my colleagues experience situations where a hunter can demonstrate their skills beyond the act of hunting.

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*Before purchasing any thermal or digital day & night vision device, please make sure you adhere to the local ledislation and only use it when it is allowed. Our ambassadors come from various countries and travel a lot, which allows them to test different devices. We do not encourage or support the illegal use of our devices in any events.

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